The Bored Feeling Denying An Unending Thing
Does human being deserve to succumb to nothingness? Life, according to a death, is full of meaning. Without a death, an end of life, life becomes something in vain, nothing we can hope after here and now even if we realize we only dwell in here and now. But, do we really want to be immortal?
Science is struggling to resolve everything human being have not known, things which we have not touched, to decode the principles of nature and cosmos so quickly that our lives are going to be guaranteed by our findings. The aging is not the lifestyle of human being in the next century. We are waiting for some technologies which will help us save our life, precisely our mortality.
Does that mean that the death is not our purpose? Certainly, human being always does a survival action. We have constantly been accustomed to keeping surviving — when there is a danger, we must be avoiding it, because we, in fact, realize that the danger endangers us. Naturally, we are truly susceptible to being able to differentiate many things, which are dangers and which are not.
The dangerous things become our enemies that we must keep away from to the end that we can keep living, look after our continuities, and avoid sickness as well as discomfort. But what is the meaning of life with no an end of it? Is it possible for us to put the meaning of life which we do not know the end of it? Whereas, we indubitably know that everything that has a beginning must have an ending.
Is mortality a part of the things which we must avoid? Basically, we must flee jeopardy, peril, and hazard in order to keep our balance of mind and body naturally. We need to keep them moving along wholly healthily. Then, what about mortality? Do we put the problem of mortality as one of the things we must avoid to keep surviving to live in the world?
I reckon that immortality is the fancy plan for which we are waiting as a big plan helping human being be able to dwell in the world longer than before, none other than that. None can guarantee that the longer human being lives, the happier human being gets. Even conversely, we live longer and we encounter the same things such boring days that we feel no meaning around us. Do we not think that human being easily falls bored?
Our mortality, in fact, goes the only hope we have since we unavoidably live with the hope that we will go beyond the world, we are going to find either the other existence, the hereafter, or nothingness itself, but at least we are not going to be bored by the same world and the same things which we see, perceive, and touch every day.
Only if the mortality still becomes the only certainty of the life does the meaning of life keep existing. Otherwise, we cannot push a search of our meaning in an endless world. Human being is the only creature who can feel bored. We find and experience the meaning in a temporary moment.
As a matter of fact we truly feel bored with something unending. A temporary event is the mouth of transition from a boredom to an enchantment, while a permanent event is the spot of boredom. Therefore, the end of the life becomes the only certainty to heal the feeling existentially.[]