In Need of Spirituality in Writing

Angga Arifka
3 min readSep 16, 2021


Suppose that we did never have a capacity of writing, would our civilization and culture still exist and evolve? Certainly, one of the crucial pillars to prop up and nurture our civilisation is writing. Furthermore, in writing, and only in writing, we can forge our weltanschauung. I think without writings we do not have such a complex weltanschauung due to the fact that we cannot conceptualise anything abstract without the existence of writing.

Source: learnenglish.britishcouncil[dot]org

To write is an action of pouring what we have within ourselves. It is not only a physical activity being in need of pen, paper, or keyboard and letters. Absolutely, we need an idea within ourselves so as to write. Even if we do not need to write well, we still need to grip such an idea.

What can a writer do with her or his writing? There is a statement that one bullet can murder a person, but one writing can penetrate thousands of people. Such a great statement is totally apt to demonstrate the power of writing. We do not only dwell in physical world, but also undergo an ideal world in which we are nursed by ideas, concepts, sciences, asbtractions, all of which appear in a bundle of writings.

In my eyes, to write does not only lay on a physical realm, but precisely anchor on an intellectual force by which we can express and paint or direct what we are writing. Hence, we cannot at all write anything if we are not gripping such an intellectual force. That intellectual force emerges from our habitual acts, such as our thinking, contemplation, musing, consideration, cogitation, calculation, pondering, reflection, etc.

However, we cannot also deny that our intellectual force comes from another facet of ours. According to me, intellectual force is not only dependent on the existence of mind solely, but there is another realm wrapped inside it in which the existence of another realm becomes an all-encompassing entity, that is spirituality.

Spirituality is pertaining to our control of our body, of our mind, of our psyche, of our mentality, of our spirit, and the like. By the way, what I mean on spirituality does not pertain to religious aspect merely, although we have been familiar with that in religious field. In other words, I want to underscore that the appearance of the intellecual force counts on the spiritual realm. Why?

I cannot see and agree if I am compelled to understand that each idea merely comes from an intellectual room, because in my viewpoint, in one side, the intellectual room — we must know — has many things to utter or to express, but in the other side, the intellectual room is nothing if we cannot control it. In this point, we need our spirituality in order to control what part or what thing we are going to utter or write.

Intellectuality is rigid device, so that we need the other to arrange or customise it. Absolutely, spirituality depends on our journey of living in the world, how to sort our psyche, how to paint our wall of mind, how to access our inner being: that is the function of spirituality. Consequently, writing is by no means a work of fingers, mind, and keyboard, and it has been distinct that to write must need such a spiritual realm.[]



Angga Arifka
Angga Arifka

Written by Angga Arifka

a blind walker who still tries to keep walking

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