Dream and the plane of creativity

Angga Arifka
2 min readFeb 10, 2023


Generally, a dream will begin to be realized as a dream when we begin to wake up. Then we know it was just a dream and start to remember fragments of the details. Often times we mutter, rationally concluding, “Such a strange dream.” It is correct to say that dreams often display configurations beyond our phenomenal calibration in this real world.

The single strongest scientific reason why this happens is, that while we are dreaming, the prefrontal cortex [site of logical reasoning, analytical verbalization, and rationalization of the contours of reality] of our brain is turned off, and instead, the hippocampus and amygdala [the emotional aspects] in the brain becomes active and even more active than when we are awake. Simply put, a dream and dreaming are always related to the creative process.


The creative process will not be effective, even not last, if logical reasoning and strict analytical rationalization monitorize. Therefore, dreaming becomes a plane where one is exploring artistic and creative matters, as well as philosophical ones, which would not be possible to find outside the world of dreams.

It is correct to say that our dreams are still embroidered from fragments of our real world, that characters, settings, stories, and even language are adapted or even adopted directly from this real, phenomenal world. However, all of these are mixed in such a creative way that we often even come to conclusion, by rigorical reasoning while awake, that there is the discrepancy between the dream world and the real world [one rough example: I once dreamed of midwiving a mother in the alley next to my house].

Something that is impossible in the dream world can happen even if it is not compatible at all, or even [will] never be compatible, with something that is possible in the real world. It is at this point that we see creativity emerging and working.


It is important to note, as explained above, that creativity never departs from a vacuum, because it is nothing more than taking the information contours that we already have and then re-knitting (or [re]creating) them to become new contours in a fresh and impressive way. It’s also like dreams, where creativity spills itself without control or constraint from reason and grand narrative — even though both of them are the main background of the dream and the creativity itself.[]

