Dream and the plane of creativityGenerally, a dream will begin to be realized as a dream when we begin to wake up. Then we know it was just a dream and start to remember…Feb 10, 2023Feb 10, 2023
To be a lover or a poetIn Greek mythology, it is told that Orpheus, a very famous lyre musician, was celebrating a wedding with a beautiful woman named Eurydice…Jan 9, 2023Jan 9, 2023
Mengembalikan Filsafat kepada Setiap OrangKalau “berfilsafat” itu mengajukan penyelidikan-penyelidikan tertentu atas problem-problem mendasar manusia serta realitas di mana ia…Nov 12, 2022Nov 12, 2022
The Quintessence of Art’s ManoeuvreArt, in whatever and however forms, is always “dangerous”. It always — not to say “rebels against” — challanges status quo. To the…Oct 28, 2022Oct 28, 2022
Kata Pengantar KBBI Edisi Kumpritologi [Sebuah Cerpen Nonkonvensional]Menimbang penggunaan bahasa campuran ngenggres-ngindo [yang menurutku menunjukkan buruknya kualitas bahasa Indonesia si penutur, tidak…Oct 8, 2022Oct 8, 2022
The limits of my vocabularies are the limits of my world.Vocabulary is the most elementary material for a “language being”. It is recommended that we understand language is not just in classical…Oct 2, 2022Oct 2, 2022
Be Socrates so as not to be afraid to get marriedFor Socrates, the goal of marriage is to become a philosopher (the lover of wisdom).Sep 11, 2022Sep 11, 2022
Neom and Future HumanNeom, the tech-smart city in Saudi Arabia, is far from done. The city is so far still as a sci-fi. However, it is like The Terminator…Aug 28, 2022Aug 28, 2022
A and B See X DifferentlyA knows that X is true, while B is not sure that X is true. A and B see X differently. For A, X is true because A himself has experienced…Jul 11, 2022Jul 11, 2022
Where is Islamic Science?Perhaps, most ask, “Where is islamic science in the modern era?” This question immediately tugs the heart of islamic civilisation…Sep 20, 2021Sep 20, 2021
In Need of Spirituality in WritingSuppose that we did never have a capacity of writing, would our civilization and culture still exist and evolve? Certainly, one of the…Sep 16, 2021Sep 16, 2021
There Must Be An Observable World in ScienceApparently, we frequently regard science as a sort of a product of a long, complicated experiment in laboratory keenly done by scientists…Sep 12, 2021Sep 12, 2021
What is Freedom in front of God?It has been a basic doctrine that every believer has to trust in the power of God. There are two viewpoints elucidating whether human…Sep 8, 2021Sep 8, 2021
Since Unknown Things Always Become KnowableAre human beings aware of all unknown things? To be aware of an unknown thing is a threshold of human being’s knowledge. We are under our…Sep 3, 2021Sep 3, 2021
An Uncompetitive Competition between Us and ThemIs it possible for human beings to be completely unemployed due to the domination of automation? This is not only an intruding question…Aug 29, 2021Aug 29, 2021
The Outset of A Relationship between “in” and “on”Approximately ten years ago, we have not had robust entanglement on social media because at that time no many people had had smartphones. I…Aug 25, 2021Aug 25, 2021
Scepticism: A General Outline of Its ContradictionAs animal rationale, each human being is persistently struggling and tussling with the encountered reality. Using her or his reasoning…Aug 22, 2021Aug 22, 2021
Technology Is Ubiquitous, What Do You Experience?Every day I spend my entire noon doing my praxis routine to make some crafts. Absolutely, when making a craft, I was encircled by many…Aug 20, 2021Aug 20, 2021
Frankly, is technology still truly neutral?Every day in human beings’ lives technology embodies in devices, tools, instruments, or gadgets to make their lives easier. They assist…Aug 18, 2021Aug 18, 2021
Is Abortion Right?To murder, as we definitely know, is seriously wrong, but to abort with some exact reasons is allowed. Actually, we have known that to…Aug 15, 2021Aug 15, 2021